A Winter Walk

The George V Memorial Walk in Hayle along the Copperhouse pool is a lovely level walk at any time of the year, but this is my first time during the winter months so I was keen to see whether anything was in flower.

So on 25th January this is what I found:

It was a very windy day, but at least the wind blew away the rain clouds and it wasn’t particularly cold in the sunshine. Not easy to take close-up photos though.


I was very pleased to see two of my favourite Antipodean plants in flower – the pretty pink and white Grevillea above and the lemon-yellow Callistemon (bottlebrush) below. I have visions of these in my garden, just where I can place them is the problem as I live on an extremely open and windy site and Grevillea in particular prefer some shelter.


It was a pleasant enough walk and although there wasn’t a huge amount of flowers, there were plenty of new leaves glistening in the sun, bright red and even purple berries, bulbs appearing along the grass verge by the pool and a delightful fragrance in the sensory garden created by the very lovely daphne. (Now this IS a plant I need to find room for – I think we are going to need a bigger garden…)

Plenty of benches from where to sit and admire the view.
Plenty of benches from where to sit and admire the view.

I am going to have to make this a regular walk to note what is in flower each month. And if you like a walk, long or short, then please visit Jo for her regular strolls in the UK and the Algarve and maybe you could join in too.

Paula ‘Lost in Translation’ has a wintry theme this week, but I’m sure these areΒ not the type of winter images she had in mind.


  1. Joanne Sisco says:

    I continue to marvel at the floral treats you have to offer when those of us in Canada are still entrenched in greyness … and will be for quite some time yet.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Pretty grey here the last couple of days Jo, and set to remain so for the rest of the week. So I am going to be busy deciding on how to make changes in the garden and what plants to buy – so excited!

      1. Joanne Sisco says:

        Sadly, we don’t start doing that until May … sometimes April if we’re really lucky!!

        1. Heyjude says:

          Oh, that is a long time to wait. I’ll share my spring flowers with you πŸ™‚

        2. Joanne Sisco says:

          It will brighten my dismal winter πŸ™‚

  2. Flowers!!! So good for my soul.

  3. Dina says:

    Oh dear, it’s warm in Cornwall as well! πŸ™‚ What a gorgeous day you had for photography, Jude. You flowers brighten up a rather grey day in Norway. πŸ™‚

    1. Heyjude says:

      The whole world is topsy-turvy this year Dina. Snow and rain in Spain has wiped out their fruit and vegetables so less for us – I guess this girl will have to eat chocolate πŸ˜‰

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