Houseman’s Engine House

Just north of the village of Minions stands Houseman’s Engine House, which houses a permanent exhibition on the history and nature of the surrounding area. Many miners left this area to find a better life in colonies around the world so it is a popular place to visit by their descendants.

Thursday Special | crumbling


  1. Tish Farrell says:

    Ha! I know that very spot. Nicely taken.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Thank you Tish. Did you take a look inside?

      1. Tish Farrell says:

        G did. He said it was v. interesting. I was busy walking over to the Cheesering in a bit of a gale.

        1. Heyjude says:

          I did the same. Not only a gale but also it began to teem down! I couldn’t even see the Cheesewring until I was almost on top of it (well below it actually).

  2. Paula says:

    Beautifully captured, Jude. I would visit it myself even though I am not a descendant. Thank you for contributing to my challenge. It is always a pleasure to see your work.

    1. Heyjude says:

      The pleasure is mine Paula, I like to see what I have that fits in with your challenges. Of course I have many more even crumblier engine houses already on the blog. But I thought you might like this one, taken only last month.

  3. Nice shot, Jude. So many textures and layers. 🙂

    1. Heyjude says:

      A bit like me. Lots of layers on that day. Always rains when I visit Bodmin moor!

      1. Darn! Rain is always necessary but an annoyance when we’re on outings, isn’t it?

        1. Heyjude says:

          Especially when you don’t have a waterproof camera! Mine was tucked inside my jacket on the return journey from trying to find the Cheesewring!

        2. I know what you mean. I had to deal with pouring rain on my weekend in Nikko in Japan, and it was a challenge dealing with my non-waterproof camera. 🙂

        3. Heyjude says:

          Too expensive to risk being damaged. You can get waterproof sleeves so I have been informed, but then you still have to stand out there yourself in the rain and personally that isn’t fun for me!

        4. Not for me either, Jude!

  4. beetleypete says:

    Works well in colour this time, with the lush greens.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    1. Heyjude says:

      It should be lush green Pete, it always seems to be raining when I visit the moors!

  5. Dina says:

    Very nice capture, Jude. I’m so happy to see those overhead lines going through your photo. 🙂 Makes me less upset about all the ones dirturbing my images in Cley. 😉 Sigh.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Haha… yes, there are overhead lines everywhere here, I guess I have just got so used to seeing them I don’t even notice them any more!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Did you have any effects from that hurricane north and west of you? I love the photo and the history it contains.

    1. Heyjude says:

      It was very windy, but no worse than we have experienced before, some spectacular waves on the south coast, but we were lucky as the storm wasn’t accompanied by rain here. We might not be so lucky next time!

      1. Elizabeth says:

        I am glad. We have had a lot of rain on the tail end of a couple of hurricanes, but little wind.

  7. Lucid Gypsy says:

    I hope it doesn’t crumble with an exhibition inside. What a beauty it is Jude 🙂

    1. Heyjude says:

      That’s true! I think the back end of it has been fixed up!

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